
Mengemas blog yg ditinggalkan sekian lama...

Published by sH@h @nDy under on Saturday, December 12, 2009

Assalamualaikum & Salam 1Malaysia...(perlu ke?)...

Rasanya dah lama sangat ak x update blog. Yela k ni bukan jenis yg rajin sangat nak update benda-benda camni. Lagipun ak lebih suke baca blog org dri buat blog sendiri.
udah la merepek.

So sebagai berkongsi cerita semasa ak duk kat umah ni, x byk sngt pun yg ak buat. Ada la beberapa perkara yg perlu dilakukan. Tu pun sebab hari raya haji @ Aidiladha.

Ok la mula dari perjalanan blk ke rumah after final. Sebenarnya final ak abis 17/11, tapi ak saje je balik lewat sebab malas nak balik awal-awal. Lagipun sepatutnya ak kena stay kat UMP sebab awal bulan 12 ada Pertandingan Debat Diraja '09, tapi ak x dapat join atas sebab-sebab yang x dapat dielakkan(xde duit ckp je la...). So ak pun beli la tket 21/11 sekali ngan Samsuri(coursemate ak). P/S:Duit tket ak x bayar lgi kat dia... Ha, dia bulan ni nag g Ireland... Semoga perjalanan dia diberkati la hendaknya. Ak pu sepatutnya pegi Singapore minggu lepas utk lawatan industri n akademik. Tapi last-last minute kena tunda bulan 1 @ 2. Huhu.. Abis duit beli tket. Xpe la... Da xde rejeki...

Masa ak nak blk umah ak bkn trs ke kuale. Ak duk umah pakcik ak kat Putrajaya 4 hari sebab ak blk umah sekali ngan kakak ak. So kena la duk ctu. Nasib baik la sepupu yg 4 org tu ada. Klw x kebosanan yg keterlaluan la ak kat ctu. Lepas 4 hari duk ctu ngan jalan2 g alamanda tgk citer 2012, ak pun balik la ke rumah pada 25/11. Esoknya ak trus balik kmpg.

Kat kg mmg da ada 2 org makcik ak. Diorg duk ctu. Ak ni pu msk thn ke-2 dah raya kat kg lepas arwah mak ak meninggal. Sebab da xde sape da nak dirayakan klw raye kat umah. So kat kg ayah ak buat korban tahun ni ngan adik beradik dia. nanti korg tgk ek gmbr korban. Pada yg takut darah tu xyah la tgk.

Lepas je hari qorban esoknya ktorg buat kenduri korban. byk tul makanan dia... Yg paling bestnyaa time ni tgh musim buah so byk la buah rambutan, pulasan, durian, manggis dan lain-lain lagi...

Dah la... malas nak menulis da.... Tgk je la gambar2 ni....

Kat Ulu Licin, Beruas

Kenduri raya qurban...

Melapah lembu... Menyibuk je pun... Haha...


Tekunnya mendengar taklimat org x bertauliah...

Hari raya Aidilfitri...

Sekian untuk kali sekian lamanya...

My 21st Birthday!!!...

Published by sH@h @nDy under on Sunday, July 12, 2009

Orang kata klw dah masuk angka 21 ni kita kena la bersikap lebih matang dan sentiasa peka dengan apa je kita buat. Sebab apa?.... Sebab masa ni la org da mula akan perhati setiap perbuatan kita dengan lebih kerap. Bukan nak kata la sebelum msuk angka 21 ni org x perhati kita tapi angka 21 ni menyebabkan org lebih memandang tinggi terhadap diri kita...

Lagi satu angka 21 juga sangat bermakna buat aku sebab sekarang ni aku secara rasminya dah masuk alam dewasa yang sememangnya penuh dgn cabaran serta pancaroba ynag ak sendiri pun xtau ak bersedia atau x nak berhadapan dengannya... Huhu...

Satu persoalan untuk diri ak sendiri? "Aku dah cukup matang ke sekarang ni?" Sebab apa ak tanya soalan tu kat diri ak adalah sebab ramai kawan2 ak yg anggap ak x cukup matang nak jadi dewasa. Gusi bongsu ak pun x tumbuh2 lagi walaupun ak dah masuk 21 tahun hari ni...

Dan masuk tahun ni jugak ak dah x sambut birthday ak masuk tahun ke-5... Haha... korg percaya x yg ak x sambut birthday selama tu... X sambut tu means ak xde la pergi sambut dengan beli kek, makan rmai2 dan semualah aktiviti yg org selalu buat nak sambut birthday... Ak sekadar terima wishes birthday je la dari family members n my friends...

So that not the big deal sebab birthday bukanlah segala-galanya dalam hidup ak. Lagi pun banyak lagi benda2 yg lebih penting ak nak kena capai... Sebab birthday ni sebenarnya menunjukkan kita yg semakin lama kita hidup atau bertambahnya angka tu, semakin dekat kita nak menemui yg Maha Esa...

Bercakap pasal yang Maha Esa, semalam iaitu 11 Julai 2009 juga, genap la 2 tahun pemergian arwah Ibundaku yang tersayang, Wan Zabidah bt Wan Yusof pergi bertemu yg Maha Esa... Tragis kan sambut birthday lepas pemergian org yg tersayang... So ak pun disebabkan hal ini jugalah ak x sambut birthday sangat... X seronok memikirkannya...

Al-Fatihah untuk arwah ibuku... Semoga rohnya akn ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg beriman... Amin...

Sebelum ak mengakhiri ucapan untuk diri ak ni(motif sangat kan?... Haha...), ak nak mintak maaf kepada semua lah, abahku, Shaharudin b Nordin yang telah banyk berkorban sehingga ak mencapai umur ni, adik beradikku, rakan-rakan yg wish n yg x wish pun xpe la, serta semua yg ak ada buat sakit hati, marah dan sebagainya... Kalau ada hutang tu klw korg ingat mintak la & klw ak plak x ingat ak mintak korg halalkan je la...

Sekian sajalah nukilan semperna hari kelahiranku yang ke-21 ni...
Harap-harap diberi kesempatan oleh yang Maha Esa untuk bertemu angka ke-22 pula..

Sekian, Wassalam...

Tagged By 2 Friends

Published by sH@h @nDy under on Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1. Copy badge "2009 Cute's Blogger Award" untuk diletakkan di blog anda.

2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.
-->Ak dapat dari 2 orang sebenarnya. Dua-dua orang ni pun coursemate aku, yang pertama namanya kita orang panggil adeq-abang... Aku pun xtau kenapa nama dia cam tu... Yang kedua ni plak nama dia nadia... Kawan rapat kepada kak long ak(nanti ak cerita pasal family ak kat u ni) alias kawan ak gak la... So diorang la yang telah memberikan award ni kat ak... Tima Kacih ya...   

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).
i-Suka menyanyi dalam bilik air...(tgh melabur pun bleh jew....)
ii-Bleh la nak menari tapi xde la cantik cam penari profesional..
iii-Sangat suka berjumpa dengan kawan baru tapi susah nak cari kawan...
iv-Single but not available also sebab xtau la nape...(ada yg nak tp ak malu lak ngan dia...huhu...)
v-Suke dengar lagu-lagu terutama lagu English...leleh siot...
vi-Ak ni memang tak suka membaca... Nak exam baru la selak buku yg beli masa awal sem...huhu...
vii-Selain menari, ak gak masuk debat, sekritariate expoconvo, dan bakal ketua rumah sem depan ni...haha...
viii-Suka buang masa dengan melepak dan termenung...isk2...
ix-Ada org kata ak ni kurus sangat n ada yg kata badan aku da ok da...x paham la fact last sekali)
x-Nak tambah berat badann bagi seimbangkan BMI sekarang ni tapi susah la nak naik berat ak... Masa cuti dulu ak makan 6 kali sehari tapi berat ak sti lgi around

4. Anda perlu memilih 6 penerima award seterusnya dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog.
1-Sunshine Suria
2-Madam Normala
3-Kak Mas
5-Syafiqah Solehuddin
6-Syafiqah Termidi

Tapi klw bleh sume la ada dalam blog list ak n sape je yg baca post ni... 

5. Jangan lupa untuk melawat blog mereka dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan:

"anda telah di tag - sila layari blog saya untuk mendapatkan award anda"

Kehidupan Pelajar University...

Published by sH@h @nDy under on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sebenarnya ak da lama sngat tak update blog ak la.... so ak ambil kesempatan ni nak buat satu post yang aku rasa ada kena mengena sikit degan diri aku dan juga pada kawan-kawan yang belajar kat luar sana. Tengok la sebab apa...

Every New Semester
new semester

After 1st Week
after one week

After 2nd Week
after 2 weeks in college

Ada lagi…

Before the Midterm Exam
before mid term

During the Midterm Exam
during mid term exam

After the Midterm Exam
after mid term exam

Before the Final Exam
before final end exams

After Seeing the Schedule of the Final Exams
exam schedule

7 Days before the Finals
seven days before finals

6 Days before Finals
6 days before finals
5 Days before Finals
five days

4 Days before Finals
4 days

3 Days before Finals
three days

2 Days before Finals
two days before final exams

1 Day before Finals (Night before the Final Exam)
night before final exams

1 Hour before Final Exam
one hour before exam

During Final Exam
during exams

After coming out of the Examination Hall
after exam

After College during Holidays
that is what collge is all about
Aku terjumpa post ni dekat oh Sape-sape yang suke tengok benda- benda pelik bleh la pegi kat blog ni... Aku tak jamin kalau ada yang tak tahan ngan web tu ek... Dia keras sikit... Haha...


Published by sH@h @nDy under on Friday, April 10, 2009


Just a few day after being the 6th Malaysia Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announce his new cabinet to help him develop our country better then before. The following is the details:


Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak


Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin


1. Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon (Hal Ehwal Perpaduan & Pengurusan Prestasi)

2. Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz (Hal Ehwal Perundangan dan Parlimen)

3. Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop (Unit Perancang Ekonomi)

4. Mej Jen (B) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom (Hal Ehwal Agama Islam)

Timbalan-timbalan Menteri:

1. Datuk Liew Vui Keong

2. Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim

3. Datuk S.K. Devamany

4. Ahmad Maslan

5. T.Murugiah


Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak


Datuk Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah


1. Datuk Chor Chee Heung

2. Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin


Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin


1. Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong

2. Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi


Datuk Ong Tee Keat


1. Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri

2. Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew


Tan Sri Bernard Dompok


1. Datuk Hamzah Zainudin


Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein


1. Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop

2. Jelaing anak Mersat


Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim


1. Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum

2. Senator Heng Seai Kie


Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui


Noriah Kasnon


Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal


1. Datuk Hassan Malek

2. Datuk Joseph Entulu anak Belaun


Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin


1. Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung

2. Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah


Datuk Mustapa Mohamed


1. Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir

2. Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan


Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili


Fadillah Yusof


Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas


Tan Sri Joseph Kurup


Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen

Timbalan:Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib


Datuk Noh Omar


1. Datuk Johari Baharum

2. Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim


Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi


Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad


Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor


Datuk Yong Khoon Seng


Datuk Liow Tiong Lai


Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin


Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek


1. Datuk Razali Ibrahim

2. Wee Jeck Seng


Datuk Dr S.Subramaniam

Timbalan:Datuk Maznah Mazlan


Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob


Datuk Tan Lian Hoe


Datuk Kong Cho Ha


Datuk Lajim Ukin


Datuk Seri Sharizat Jalil

Timbalan:Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun


Datuk Anifah Aman


1. A.Kohilan Pillay

2. Datuk Lee Chee Leong


Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin


Datuk M.Saravanan

For that, I hope that our new Prime Minister will bring our country towards more glory and achivement for our own benefit. Although it's to early to tell the administration of Datuk Seri Najib is the same as before, but for me every leader have their own way to rule and make the future to be much more better. Praise Allah s.w.t may bless Malaysia and the people. Amin...

Earth Hour @ More CO2?...

Published by sH@h @nDy under on Sunday, April 05, 2009

Everyone already knew that entire world celebrating Earth Hour on last 28 March 2009. But the thing that they actually doesn't know is during that time, more CO2 or carbon dioxide were being release therefore making global warming getting much more worst that it's look... Why?... Continue ready the following fact... There’s one thing in particular that bothers me about Earth Hour - these people who electric lights and then go and light up candles, and think that they’re helping do something about anthropogenic forcing of climate change.

There’s one thing in particular that bothers me about Earth Hour - these people who electric lights and then go and light up candles, and think that they’re helping do something about anthropogenic forcing of climate change.

The widespread practice of misguided eco-Luddites turning off their lights for Earth Hour and burning candles as a source of light is grossly misguided and actually contributes to increased carbon dioxide emissions.

Yes, I know candles are nice and romantic - but you’re taking paraffin wax, in the form of a candle, and burning it, very inefficiently, at a low temperature. This stuff is pure hydrocarbon - it’s a heavy alkane fraction distilled straight off crude oil. This stuff is getting so scarce that nations are prepared to go to war just to secure it, remember?

A candle flame burns at a low temperature - so it’s a thermodynamically very inefficient source of energy - and most of the energy released in a candle is wasted as heat, anyway.

Even if 80% of your electricity comes from coal and fossil fuel fired power stations, as it does in Australia, burning candles is very polluting and certainly very greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions intensive, even more so than electric lighting.

If you need to do something that requires light - then leave an electric light on - just one. It’s far more efficient, less carbon dioxide emissions intensive and better for the environment - not to mention much safer than using hazardous candles.

If you want the romance of a candle, try looking for candles that you are certain are made from pure “carbon neutral” beeswax or tallow - not from crude oil in the form of paraffin wax.

Can’t we just put science, reason, rationality, education and reason ahead of trendy politics and trendy dogmas -before it’s too late?

What Earth Hour should not be about is the notion that we want to have a civilisation without artificial lighting - this is absolutely ridiculous. Lighting up the darkness was one of the most useful technological achievements in human history - why would we give that up?

Using electricity for lighting is far more efficient and environmentally sound than the primitive technologies, burning fossil fuels dirtily, at ambient pressure and relatively low temperatures, that came before electrification.

The use of electricity, and the use of electric lighting, is part of our way of life, in a developed, technological first-world society - I, for one, am not prepared to give that up, not the least because we don’t have to.

Light bulbs don’t produce greenhouse gases - burning fossil fuels to generate electricity does.

Let’s focus our efforts on moving away from fossil fuel based electricity generation, and expanding the use of non-greenhouse gas intensive hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, and wind energy, to solve our problems with anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

Earth Hour should be about doing everything that you can to reasonably, sensibly limit your demand for electricity - and we can do this every hour of every day, of course. It makes sense for everyone - after all, you pay for the electricity.

I guess I have a problem with the idea that Earth Hour symbolises something.

It might symbolise something, but it doesn’t actuallydo anything.

The only thing it symbolises is primitive society.

I’d much rather see people spend their Earth Hour doing something that really does count for something.

Instead of spending your Earth Hour bearing with an uncomfortable, dark lifestyle, use that hour to think about the things that we can all do every day to limit electricity consumption, that we will actually bother to do every day, that are compatible with the fact that, yes, in our developed first-world society, we actually use electricity, and we work after the sun goes down. Think about the things that are compatible with our sensible lifestyles in the developed world, and do them, and it works out better for everybody!

Now, let’s consider just how much, quantitatively, this use of candles during Earth Hour is responsible for increased emissions of greenhouse gases.

Postulate I: A typical candle produces about 13 lumens of visible light, from a total power output of about 40 W, most of which is heat.
Postulate II: A 40 W electric incandescent light bulb consumes 40 W of electric power, and produces approximately 500 lumens of visible light output.
Postulate III: The overwhelming majority of candles are made from petroleum, in the form of paraffin wax. Paraffin wax has a heat of combustion of approximately 42 kJ/g, and can be assumed to consist, chemically, entirely of pentacosane - \mathrm{C_{25}H_{52}}.
Postulate IV: The average greenhouse gas emissions intensity for electric power generation in Australia is about 1000 g \mathrm{CO_{2e}}/kWh, and electricity is transmitted with transmission losses of about 7%.

\mathrm{C_{25}H_{52}(g)\ +\ 38\ O_{2}(g)\ \to 26\ H_{2}O(g)\ +\ 25\ CO_{2}(g)}

\mathrm{M(C_{25}H_{52})} = 352.68 g/mol;

\mathrm{M(CO_{2})} = 44.0 g/mol.

Thus, we know the emission of carbon dioxide from burning candles:

\mathrm{\frac{40\ W/candle\ \cdot\ 25\ mol/mol\ \cdot\ 44\ g/mol\ \cdot\ 3600\ s/h}{4.2\ \times\ 10^{4}\ J/g\ \cdot\ 352.68\ g/mol}\ =\ 10.69\ gCO_{2e}} - per candle per hour.

And the rate of carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity generation corresponding to the use of 13 lumens worth of lighting - the equivalent of one candle - for one hour:

\mathrm{\frac{13\ lumens/candle\ \times\ 1000 g/kWh\ \times\ 107\%\ \times\ 40\ W\ \times\ 10^{-3}\ kW/W}{500\ lumens}\ =\ 1.11\ gCO_{2e}} - per candle-equivalent of electric light per hour.

Therefore, for every candle that is burned to replace electric lighting during Earth Hour, greenhouse gas emissions over the course of the one hour are increased by 9.6 g of carbon dioxide.
If the light output from a 40 W light bulb was to be completely replaced by candles, this will lead to the emission of an extra 295 grams of carbon dioxide per over simply using the electric lights - if the equivalent of one thousand 40 W bulbs are replaced by candles, that’s an extra 295 kilograms of \mathrm{CO_{2}} emitted.

In places where a greater proportion of the electricity supply is generated by nuclear energy or hydroelectricity, this increase in greenhouse gas emissions is even larger.

Earth Hour & KLCC 1
Before 8.30pm, the lights were brighten and shinning.

Earth Hour & KLCC 2
Once the time at the Maxis Tower that located beside the Petronas Twin Towers was reached 8.30pm, the lights at Petronas Twin Towers were turned off slowly from the top to the bottom.

So, i think in future for Earth Hour we shouldn't lit any light for burning purpose because of it may cause more CO2 being release... Any comment?... And for information at that time I didn't join the moment because of I’m in the bus to get back to UMP from UniKL for my senior tournament... Huhu...


